The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

School communications

Caroline Collins

Managing and investigating complaints

When it comes to complaints, it's essential to take prompt action to maintain positive relationships with parents and prevent damage to your school's reputation. Caroline Collins advises how to manage the complaints process and communicate outcomes openly. */ Nobody wants to receive a complaint but...
John Dabell

It’s time to get fierce!

Having a ‘fierce conversation’ doesn't necessarily entail conflict or aggression but rather implies engaging in candid, passionate and impactful discussions. School leaders, who often face challenging and passionate conversations, must learn how to navigate these tough discussions effectively. What...
John Dabell

Let silence do the heavy lifting

A school is a place where we are absorbing a constant stream of information all day long. John Dabell explores the impact of silence during conversation and gives tips on using it to your benefit. Quiet moments and silence are essential for everyone, especially in a school. Zen Master Thich Nhat...
Liz Worthen

A time to reflect and celebrate

The inaugural MAT Excellence Awards give school trusts the opportunity to be recognised and celebrated for their work. What achievements would you like to share? What are you most proud of about your multi-academy trust? Is it the wellbeing support you offer to pupils, staff and families? Is it the...
Sarah Hopp

Unconscious bias in the classroom and discreet disability

Teachers need to be aware of why they might react to certain behaviours in certain ways. Sarah Hopp provides some context for the self-reflection process. Someone may assume that a person is capable or not capable of doing something based only on their judgement of that person’s external appearance...
Justin Robbins ...

Build the perfect partnership with parents

The case for parental engagement has never been as clear as it is right now. Justin Robbins and Karen Dempster provide some practical tips for effective communication with parents. Students are reportedly three months behind in their learning because of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to data...
Kirsty Ruthven

School uniform: The gender debate

Kirsty Ruthven, Head of Education at the charity Lifting Limits, casts an eye over the school uniform debate through a gender-equality lens. We need school uniform to show our identity as a school. It’s important that we all feel part of a group (Year 5 pupil). I think we should wear our own...
Fiona Carnie

COP26: 7 things schools can do

Fiona Carnie describes how schools can respond to the climate change challenge and play their part in creating a sustainable future for children and young people. This is the year of COP26. The climate crisis talks, taking place in Glasgow in November, will determine the future of the planet...
Fiona Carnie

Caring for vulnerable children: put listening at the heart of schools

Fiona Carnie draws on examples from practice at home and abroad to explore the vital role of listening in pandemic recovery, for children, families and staff. Many children – particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds – are suffering deeply through this pandemic. Increasing numbers live in...
Charlie Roden

St Bartholomew's Primary: from empty building to school of rock

When Haslemere's children's centre was closed down, St Bartholomew's Primary was left with a vacant building. Headteacher Charles Beckerson explains how they came up with an exciting new initiative that’s benefited both the school and local community. Why was the music school built? Back in 2010,...