The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

Dai Durbridge

Understanding the key changes to KCSIE

Dai Durbridge outlines some of the main changes to the safeguarding statutory guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education and explains how schools can begin to prepare. Download the presentation slides Download the podcast In this 20-minute webinar, we will: outline the top 10 changes to the...
Academy Ambassadors

From LGB to MAT and beyond: building the trustee board

How do you build the right governance board for a new or growing MAT? Sarah Gore of Academy Ambassadors explores what to consider when recruiting and structuring your board of trustees. Download the presentation slides Download the podcast In this 30-minute webinar, we will explore: making the...
Lee Miller

MAT governance - changing structure to increase value for money

For multi-academy trusts, ensuring a robust scheme of delegation is vital. Watch this webinar to learn how to review your structure and become more cost-efficient. In this webinar, you will develop your understanding of: why governance structures need to be reviewed in a multi-academy trust how to...
Nickii Messer

Improving performance through courageous conversations

Facing up to challenges in your team can be tough. Understand why such conversations are needed and take a practical look at preparation, processes and solutions in this webinar. 'Avoid problems, and you'll never be the one who overcame them.' (Richard Bach, novelist) This webinar focuses on:...
Russell Dalton

Understanding and motivating your colleagues

What is emotional intelligence – and why does it matter? Find out how EQ skills can help school business management professionals improve performance and get results with this webinar. In this webinar, I'll draw on lessons learned through my career and help you to: understand the personal and...
Matthew Clement...

Managing conflict: strategies for school business leaders

Don’t let a fear of conflict stop you from stepping up to leadership. Watch this webinar to get a better understanding of the role of conflict and tools to manage it. Listening to this webinar will increase your confidence and effectiveness in resolving conflict in the workplace. It will enable you...
Nickii Messer

‘But it’s quicker to do it myself!’ The humble art of delegation

Are you feeling overworked? Reluctant to invest time training your team to do your tasks? Many of us avoid delegation but it’s essential for success. In this webinar, SBM consultant Nickii Messer shares her tried and tested strategies which will enable you to: understand the benefits of delegation...
Matthew Clement...

From firefighter to trailblazer: strategic planning for school business leaders

Top advice for SBMs Short on time? Download this list of the most salient pieces of advice from the webinar - everything you need to develop strategic planning in school business management. Are you ready to take a strategic role in planning for the future sustainability of your school, academy or...