The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector


Gareth D Morewood

Role models help us define by ability, not disability

We're fortunate to have many shining examples of people who refused to be defined by their disabilities. Schools can use these role models to inform positive lessons. This week brought the sad news of the passing of Professor Stephen Hawking . I am no expert on his work, but have learned a lot more...
Elizabeth Holmes

Championing diversity and equality in these challenging times

In these turbulent times, schools must ensure that their commitment to equality and diversity shines through. 'It’s never too late to give up your prejudices.' ~ Henry David Thoreau As with our communities, our schools are diverse. Diversity is not abstract in any way. It is simply a reflection of...
Andrew Moffat

From schools to supermarkets: there are no outsiders!

In these unkind times, it's important to champion an inclusive, 'no outsiders' ethos. Real-world examples offer great opportunities to get pupils thinking about diversity. This week I delivered an assembly to Year 4 and 5 pupils on a branch of Tesco in Scotland. The Moray branch is working with...
Gareth D Morewood

Inclusion: the data and debate

Keeping inclusion at the heart of what you do, while maintaining excellent levels of progress for all pupils: is such a thing possible, and what do the numbers tell us? In the first part of this series we considered what the term ‘inclusion’ constitutes in the modern day, and in the second we...
Gareth D Morewood

Inclusion: what it means to young people

While it is easy to frame young people’s words to match our own agenda, we need to consider what inclusion means to young people. On aspiration 'I know I need support in school and it isn’t always easy – lots of other people do as well. Being in High School is very important to me so I can do the...
Gareth D Morewood

Inclusion: what's in a name?

There has often been a lot of confusion as to what the term ‘inclusion’ encompasses - here are my thoughts. ‘The term 'inclusive education' has become so used and abused that it has little meaning.’ ~ Corbett, 2001 In the modern world of the SENCO, as seen most recently in a number of blog posts...