The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector


Dai Durbridge

Child Protection in Education: your top 5 questions answered

From safeguarding records and new KCSIE guidance to policies and risk assessment, lawyer Dai Durbridge provides answers to the most popular questions asked by delegates at our recent conference. 1. Does the duty of passing on safeguarding records when a child moves schools rest with the old school...
Alan Mackenzie

Understand privacy settings to set pupils free online

Watch Alan Mackenzie’s screencast to learn how to set privacy settings for a number of social platforms and keep pupils safe online. The world can be a scary place no matter your age, and each generation faces new challenges. Yet there is one great difference between the world I or my parents grew...
Alan Mackenzie

E-Safety in 2016: onwards and upwards

E-safety often has to evolve as quickly as technology itself. Alan Mackenzie looks at what we’re learning and how schools can keep up-to-date. Step back, and take a look at what's happening now Prevent high-profile media reporting increased Ofsted focus pressures of the curriculum incidents outside...
Elizabeth Holmes

The Prevent duty – guidance and training for schools

What can schools do to help keep children and young people safe from radicalisation and extremism? Elizabeth Holmes provides a summary of essential guidance, documents and training resources. Keeping children safe from radicalisation and extremism is now a top priority with important...
Sarah Gaffney

Child Protection in Education

On the 14th of October, me and other members of the Optimus team travelled up to Manchester for the Child Protection in Education conference. Wet, chilly and a bit bleary-eyed from the early morning, we headed to the beautiful Lowry hotel to set up the event, ready to welcome the delegates and...