The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

Leadership and staff development

Suzanne O'Connell

Advice for the first time headteacher

You’ve met the staff, the governors, and been introduced to the parents and children at your new school. Are you ready for those first days, weeks and months? You’ve had the whole summer holiday to prepare and to worry about the new role you’re taking on. Now is the time to put your preparation...
Liz Worthen

Developing sustained, effective middle leadership: keys to success

With middle leaders as the vital cogs in the wheel of school improvement, how can we best enable them to operate smoothly and effectively? ‘There was a common thread in schools that struggled over many years of persistent weaknesses in middle leadership.’ (Ofsted annual report 2014/15) ‘It’s not...
Alex Masters

Academisation, NASBM and… motorbikes! Inspiration for SBMs

The future might be uncertain but it is a time of significant opportunity for school business managers, as a recent conference in east London proved. It’s always thrilling to see so many school business managers together in one room. With such a time-pressured, demanding job, for many it can feel...
Lisa Griffin

Get more from the core: developing middle leaders

Middle leaders provide the vital link between leadership and the classroom but how can they best be supported? 'The role of middle managers is crucial to the steady and sustained improvement of schools. The headteachers and senior managers provide the vision but middle managers effect the long-term...
Paul K Ainsworth

Leadership styles in multi-academy trusts

Headteachers in MATs may need to adapt their leadership style. Paul Ainsworth looks at different examples of leadership and how they can work together for the success of the MAT. The growth of multi-academy trusts has made it imperative that headteachers work together rather than in isolation with...
Lisa Griffin

The sacrifice syndrome of headteachers

The shortage of headteachers is well documented and effectively supporting them an ongoing concern. We talk to author and director of Integrity Coaching Viv Grant about the ‘sacrifice syndrome’ of heads and overcoming it to be a visionary school leader. Watch Viv Grant's webinar on stress reduction...
Liz Worthen

The stretch zone is for grownups too

Good leaders find the stretch points for their team and empower them to take action. Proofing the entirety of our primary and secondary Insight magazine is a somewhat arduous task. However, it does give me the opportunity to fully appreciate (and actually read!) the resources which the Optimus team...
Lisa Griffin

What makes a multi-academy trust successful?

The first Ofsted inspections of multi-academy trusts received mixed results. Optimus content lead Lisa Griffin outlines what is expected of MAT leaders and the challenges they are facing. With the number of multi-academy trusts (MATs) increasing (there are now over 500 MATs consisting of two or...
Alex Masters

Supporting your support staff with positive appraisals

The word ‘appraisal’ often conjures images of clipboards and awkward conversations. Alex Masters explores how this process can bring out the best in your teams. It’s the time of year for appraisals and, as part of their role, many SBMs carry these out for their school’s support staff. Indeed, these...
Lizzie Gait

The most efficient form of recruitment is retention

Here at Optimus HQ, we often end up having debates about education and this time we ended up on the topic of recruitment and retention. Training lead, Lizzie Gait, offers schools top tips for retaining staff. The figures around NQT retention are, in the words of Sir Michael Wilshaw, ‘a national...