The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

Professional development

Elizabeth Holmes

The College of Teaching – what’s it all about?

‘The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change.’ – Bill Clinton If you’re not a regular on Twitter some of the wrangling over plans for a College of Teaching for the profession may have passed you by. But now a proposal has been published by the Claim Your College...
Lizzie Gait

ResearchED: a stimulating, if mind-boggling experience!

Optimus Education staff report from the 2014 ResearchED event, held on 6 September at Raine’s Foundation School Lizzie Gait reports: ‘A great line-up of speakers drew me to this year’s ResearchEd event. It was a fascinating insight into the views and ideas of those who are passionate about...
Elizabeth Holmes

Why subject-specific CPD has to be a priority

How do we bring our subject to life for pupils? By regularly topping up our own interest, knowledge and skills. Elizabeth Holmes outlines the characteristics of effective subject-specific professional development. ‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’ Mahatma...
Suruthi Bala

‘Great teaching isn't complicated, it’s about getting the simple things right’

This week I visited Greig City Academy to meet Ross McGill ( @TeacherToolkit ) and as a relative newbie to the twittersphere I was keen to meet the most followed teacher and writer of the most influential blog on education in the UK! We started the visit with a tour of the school and it was...
Elizabeth Holmes

‘A chance to develop and learn from the best’

The Teacher Development Trust is developing a compelling vision for teacher-led professional learning based on evidence, collaboration and entitlement. Elizabeth Holmes uncovers more about what the organisation is proposing via its annual report. ‘Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise.’ Horace If...
Liz Worthen

Creating a buzz around CPD

Thursday afternoons at Bluecoats Academy in Nottingham are CPD time. Official teaching finishes early and staff all engage in CPD activities (while pupils benefit from extra-curricular activities, coaching and specialist teaching). Lisa Harrison, Assistant Principal in charge of CPD, told us about...
Elizabeth Holmes

Does having a strong professional identity hold teachers back?

Elizabeth Holmes looks at the impact of professional self-image on professional learning in schools. ‘Change is the end result of all true learning.’ Leo Buscaglia Looking back at staffrooms I have sat in over the years, it is evident that as educators we all have a sense of professional identity...
Elizabeth Holmes

How to learn anytime, anywhere in school

Elizabeth Holmes explains how to facilitate professional dialogue for learning. ‘Discussion is impossible with someone who claims not to seek the truth, but already to possess it.’ ― Romain Rolland , Above the Battle Imagine a working day where you spoke to no-one but your pupils; no interaction...
Elizabeth Holmes

Small-scale research: your next CPD priority

Use action research to enhance teaching and learning. Elizabeth Holmes explains how ‘Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.’ EM Forster ith the ongoing debate about using research in education to inform teaching and learning, it seems timely to revisit the...