The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

The Optimus blog

The blog that inspires leaders in the UK education sector

In classroom learning

Sara Boomsma

Middle leaders: beat the stress and lead your team to outstanding

Battling time constraints, managing staff, engaging in the day-to-day running of the school and teaching high-quality, differentiated lessons... is it any wonder that today’s middle leaders are stressed? Now that the Government and Ofsted have upped their focus on accountability and a wider range...
Owen Carter

Excellent teaching: borrow shamelessly, learn from the best

Growth mindsets. Innovation and excellence. Marginal learning gains. Chances are you’ve heard some of these terms flying around the staffroom or seen them filling up your twitter feed. But how can you put them into practice and make sure you’re walking the walk as well as talking the talk? A...
Elizabeth Holmes

Reflective practices – how they can work

‘I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.’ - Abraham Lincoln Recently when I was working with a group of PGCE students, the subject of reflective practice and how new teachers can achieve this under time restraints came up. There was no doubt that being a reflective...
Sarah Gaffney

Don't have any water buffalos? Get outside and get inspired anyway!

As we ease into the coming winter months the weather is due to get colder and many of us (myself included!) will be drawn to staying indoors and keeping warm and dry. But we shouldn't dismiss the many unique experiences which can be gained from exploring the outdoor environment, particularly for...
Elizabeth Holmes

Why subject-specific CPD has to be a priority

How do we bring our subject to life for pupils? By regularly topping up our own interest, knowledge and skills. Elizabeth Holmes outlines the characteristics of effective subject-specific professional development. ‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’ Mahatma...
Elizabeth Holmes

Encouraging creativity in the classroom

Elizabeth Holmes suggests how schools might drill down into precisely what ‘creativity’ means for both pupils and staff ‘Creativity takes courage.’ Henri Matisse We talk about creativity in the classroom as if it were a widely understood concept, with clear steps towards its achievement and a...