The end of the summer break always gives those who work in schools that ‘funny feeling’: sometimes excitement for new jobs or roles – and often anxiety and a sense of disbelief!
With the SEND reform becoming reality from 1st September, this year will be even more challenging for the SENCO. Don’t panic: the key here is from 1st September.
Initial concerns regarding implementation have been slowly dissolved with reforms coming in from September 1st 2014 until 1st April 2018, when all the new arrangements will be in force (Making the transition from statements to EHC plans offers more detail).
While nobody is expecting instant overnight transformation on the 1st September and some of the changes are being phased in over time, there are some things which need to be done in September (with my emphasis added).
In short the terminology is very much about developing new systems and supporting the new arrangements from 1st September 2014 – this means SENCOs need not panic and can plan strategically how they will engage with parents/carers and support staff development as the changes happen over the next few years. To assist colleagues I’d recommend looking at the excellent factsheets and templates produced by Irwin Mitchell. We’re giving staff time to read a selection of factsheets on the INSET days at the start of term then feedback to others.
They will also be really useful for parents/carers as the new arrangements start to come into force.
Finally, I think it’s important to consider personal preparation too. I wonder how many colleagues have experienced the ‘…only been back one day and feeling like never been away…’ syndrome? I have to admit it is difficult to get away from! However, looking after your own mental health and wellbeing should be an important part of the developing reforms and provision. For some suggested strategies, take a look at Teacher wellbeing: how to mentally prepare for a new school year.